Dimension: Height: 6 7/8 in (17.5 cm) Length: 4 3/4 in (12.0 cm) Width: 2 2/8 in (5.5 cm)
Estimate From: $6000
Estimate To: $9000
Chinese. Of flattened hu form, with elaborate archaistic animal-head mask 'handles' flanking the tapered neck, the front and back of the body carved in relief with a sinuous five-clawed dragon pursuing a 'flaming pearl' among scrolling clouds, all on a low spreading foot, the cover carved with a seated dragon. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
此瓶以上等玉琢成,玉質清冽,細膩溫潤,器身呈扁圓形,長頸,兩側飾雙螭龍耳,鼓腹,圈足,蓋鈕呈盤龍狀,傲立雄踞,望天吼嘯,靈動張揚,氣勢非凡。器身雙面浮雕飾正面龍紋,龍身矯健,蒼穹有力,張牙舞爪,氣勢雄渾。此瓶為陳設用器,優雅端莊,皇家氣韻十足。 來源:重要紐約私人玉器收藏 Provenance: Property from an Important NYC private Jade collection