- Dimension: Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) Length: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Width: 3 3/8 in (8.6 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3500
The 'fingers' of the citron curling upwards from a gnarled leafy stem forming the base of the vessel along with a pomegranate next to it, all supported on hardwood stand carved in form of gnarled wood branches.
此器以和闐白玉為材採用圓雕、透雕工藝精琢而成。玉質潔淨細膩,溫潤油亮。造型美觀,雕工精湛,整體雕佛手、壽桃、石榴紋,構圖協調,飽滿大氣,為傳統的“多福多壽多子”的三多題材,寓意吉祥。材質上乘,用料碩大,工料俱佳。 圖:《故宮經典清宮生活圖典》