- Dimension: Jade Height: 5 6/8 in (14.6 cm) Length: 7 2/8 in (18.4 cm)
- Estimate From: $15000
- Estimate To: $25000
Qing Dynasty Qianlong period. Of rectangular form, each panel exquisitely carved in shallow relief with intricate details to depict eight arhats rested in rocky grotto with inscriptions describing the arhat, the reverse inscribed with classical buddhist script and with two seal marks at the end, all enclosed within fine rosewood frame.
"插屏成對,以老紅木框底座,多年陳設,包漿溫潤,色澤紅亮,雕工透雕技法精湛,出福壽如意紋飾,底座兩側木雕滾珠均可轉動,可見工匠將木雕工藝做到了極致之美,中間鑲嵌方正白玉,此玉質潤而膩,色純而雅,雙面雕工。其運用浮雕技法雕刻十六羅漢紋飾,羅漢神采各異,活靈活現,每尊羅漢均輔以詩文注釋,富有深度,頗具層次感,展現出一副群仙仙境之感,插屏背面為佛經詩文"佛說阿羅漢具德經",手工雕刻勁道有力,細觀之使人嘆為觀止,縱觀整件作品,大氣磅礴,成對保存完整,實屬收藏重器。來源:維吉尼亞州私人藏家收藏 " Provenance: Property from a Virginia private collection