- Dimension: Height: 12 in (30.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3500
Ming Dynasty period. Of finely potted baluster form rising to a short later replaced waisted metal neck with an everted lip, painted around the body in underglaze red with a broad band enclosing plum blossom, bamboo, and pine trees, with deer, cranes, and magpies in flight included in the scene, all between geometric band at the base and ocean wave bands and four cusped flower-filled panels reserved on a dense diaper ground encircling the neck.
小口短頸,豐肩弧腹,頸部內斂,圈足微外撇,胎體細膩潔白,造型規整,比例和諧,俊秀穩重,端莊大方。釉里紅燒造技術較難掌握,尤其是銅元素對爐窯的溫度和氣氛要求非常嚴格,燒制溫度低了顏色发黑,溫度高了顏色又會暈散,甚至完全揮发成不了紅色。本品通體釉里紅為飾,顏色鮮明,出色鮮妍清晰,實屬難得,繪“松竹紋”,紋飾清晰自然,繪工精美。帶木座。來源:洛杉磯私人藏家收藏 Provenance: Private collection, Los Angeles