- Dimension: Length: 5 5/8 in (14.0 cm) Width: 5 1/8 in (13.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $5000
Early Qing Dynasty period. Of circular section, the box cover finely inlaid with various semi precious gems, including mother of pearl, agate, malachite, etc to depict a bird perching on a gnarled leafy branch with fruits, the top left inscribed with a poem in silver wire and a seal mark in gold wire. The wood is of warm dark tone with characteristic zitan streaks.
所謂百寶嵌,就是在同一件器物上有選擇性地鑲嵌多種經過加工的珍貴材料,從而達到突出構圖主題和強化裝飾效果的目的。在螺鈿鑲嵌工藝的基礎上產生的百寶嵌技法,又名“週制”,採用珍珠、寶石、象牙、玉石等各種珍貴材料作漆器鑲嵌成圖畫。此盒為圓形,紫檀木質優良,牛毛紋清晰,打磨光潔,玲瓏可愛,用各種材料繪“花鳥紋”,嵌銀絲書寫詩文。整體用材考究,圖案設計端莊典雅,佈局疏密相間,頗為難得。 類似清代紫檀百寶嵌盒,可參考香港兩依藏博物館藏品 For a related zitan inlaid box, please refer to zitan collections in Liang Yi Museum, Hong Kong