- Dimension: Height: 25 7/8 in (66.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $12000
- Estimate To: $18000
Qing Dynasty Qianlong period. Seated on lotus throne with beaded rim, the bodhisattva with a vajra held to his chest, clad in a close fitting dhoti beaded jewelry inset with jems, the serene face painted in gilt, surmounted by a pointed tiara adorned with jewelry, the hair in a painted high chignon, base sealed.
金剛薩埵源自印度,大乘佛教中,金剛薩埵意為“金剛心”或“雷電心”,是密宗佛教儀軌中最重要的法器和象徵——金剛杵的化現,代表著權力與堅不可催的開悟之心,最初亦作為淨化罪惡與污穢的密宗修行。此尊大型銅鎏金金剛薩埵以錘揲工藝製成,為菩薩形,右手持金剛杵,頭上梳著高髻,戴珠寶冠,雙耳低垂,身飾項鍊瓔珞,腰部細瘦有力度,肩搭帔帛,衣紋流暢。全跏趺坐於仰蓮台上。面相柔和,慈眉善目,嘴眼帶笑,和藹可親,保持至今,品相完好,十分難得。 來源:紐約重要私人藏家收藏。 可參考一尊年代相似錘揲敲花工藝銅鎏金彌勒佛,2013年9月紐約蘇富比,成交價USD 315,750 Provenance: Property from an important collection, New York. Compare with a related gilt bronze bodhisattva, made with similar repousse techniques within the same period, sold for USD 315,750 in Christie's New York in Sept. 2013