- Dimension: Length: 13 3/4 in (35.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $8000
- Estimate To: $12000
Qing Dynasty Qianlong period. The large ruyi-shaped head delicately carved in relief with an archaistic taotie mask, the arched shaft carved with a stylized shou character in relief, the end further decorated with a smaller ruyi-shaped motif. The stone is of slightly pale celadon white tone.
此柄如意以整塊白玉雕琢而成,質地光潤,略帶皮色。所雕如意呈瑞芝狀,雲葉首,四周所起如意雲紋邊框,首面隆起,正中心圓框開光饕餮紋,鳳鳥紋,用工極精,線條洗練順暢。柄身中部微隆,由上而下漸寬,至趾部呈元寶形。柄身正面淺雕壽字紋,寓意福壽雙全。清代帝王喜好如意的風尚早已是不爭的事實,但從保存到今天仍基本維持原貌的部分清宮陳設不難發現,一般擺放在寶座一旁的如意多以玉石為主,顯見玉雕如意身價不凡的歷史意義。整器造型雍容端莊,曲線婉轉流暢,結構嚴謹有度,形制典雅,彰顯出至尊無上的皇家氣息。 来源:洛杉磯重要私人藏家收藏 Provenance: Property from an important private collection, Los Angeles