- Dimension: Height: 14 2/8 in (36.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $9000
Qing Dynasty period. The six-armed deity depicted standing, the principal arms raised before the chest and the body, with the secondary and tertiary arms radiating from behind as if holding various attributes, the bare upper body adorned with beaded jewellery and a billowing celestial scarf, wearing a dhoti gathered just below the bulging belly, the ferocious face detailed with three eyes and an opened mouth showing bared fangs, crowned by a five-skull diadem before flaming red hair, standing above two elephant-headed prostrate figures on oval lotus base.
白瑪哈嘎拉是藏傳佛教中一尊重要護法神,在密教中廣受尊崇,從元代開始便受到歷代帝王的信奉。此尊頭戴寶冠,紅色怒髮上沖。三目圓睜,閃舌咧口,相容兇忿。身披寶繒,隨風飄揚,項掛瓔珞。主臂一上一下施無畏印,其餘三臂施說法印,一臂持寶物。足踏邪引天,下承仰覆蓮台。整體造型飽滿生動,鑄造工藝精湛,鎏金華美,殊為難得。 來源:紐約重要私人藏家收藏 Provenance: Property from an important collection, New York