- Dimension: Height: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Diameter: 6 1/8 in (15.6 cm)
- Estimate From: $1500
- Estimate To: $2500
With deep rounded sides, resting on a subtly tapering foot rising to a gently everted rim, the exterior vibrantly enameled with two dragons each chasing a 'flaming pearl', divided by phoenix amidst leafy floral sprays, the rim with a band of precious objects, the base with a six-character seal mark in underglaze blue.
端莊規整,深腹下斂,圈足窄而垂直,外壁五彩裝飾龍紋,龍昂首呼應,怒目叱詫,鬚髮後披,兇猛矯健,大有呼之欲出之勢。整體胎骨厚薄適宜,釉質細膩泛微青,“大清乾隆年制”款識 來源:北加州灣區藏家提供 Provenance: Property from a Bay area private collection