- Dimension: Height: 15 1/2 in (39.4 cm) Length: 13 in (33.0 cm) Width: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm)
- Estimate From: $8000
- Estimate To: $12000
Seated in padmasana, hands resting in dhyana mudra, the guru sits with a slightly turned head covered in thick tufts of hair, his face with wide-open eyes, rounded nose, and slightly parted lips.
Provenance: Property from a private Dallas, Texas collection 來源: 德州達拉斯私人藏家收藏。瑜伽士通體鎏金,成全跏趺坐,雙手結手印於胸前,雙胸微垂,臉龐圓潤,神情悠然自得.佛像整體保存完整,脫金處包漿自然,背後臀部有吉祥意義的藏文款.瑜伽士為密宗修練的最高級,法力通達時可以縮陽入體,這尊瑜伽士像通過X光可以看到內部有男性陽具藏在體內,令人驚嘆不已。佛像的上師像是佛像種類收藏種類的熱門,他們不拘泥於某一種藝術形式,奔放、自由具有自己的藝術特色,兼具了收藏與信仰的雙重價值.實為不可多得的藏品。