- Dimension: Height: 8 2/8 in (21.0 cm) Diameter: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $1500
- Estimate To: $2500
Qing Dynasty period. The ovoid body adorned with flying bats in blue and green enamel, reserved on a densely carved coral-red wan-diaper ground imitating cinnabar lacquer, all between bands of pendant ruyi-heads draping the shoulder, upright leaf lappets collaring the neck and stylised lappets skirting the gilded keyfret foot, the interior and the base glazed turquoise, the recessed base inscribed in iron-red with a four-character hall mark Shende Tang zhi ('Made for the Hall of Prudent Virtue').
Provenance: Property from a private Dallas, Texas collection 來源: 德州達拉斯私人藏家收藏. 燈籠瓶為清創燒的瓷器新造型,因形似燈籠而得名,本品口微外撇,短頸, 長圓腹及底內收,下承圈足,器型簡潔大方,亦不失華貴之氣。仿雕漆為仿漆釉 的壹種,是乾隆朝官窯創燒的新品種,制作方法為先在素器上雕出各種錦地,再 施釉而成,效果與傳統的雕漆壹樣。器身遍施朱漆釉,鮮艷純正,通體飾斜方萬 字錦地紋,上有彩蝠飛舞,合喻「萬壽千福」,祥瑞吉慶。“慎德堂制”款識, 慎德堂為道光於北京城郊圓明園內行宮,於 1831 年修建完畢。整體造型雅致, 雕飾精細工整,仿漆器質感強烈,惟妙惟肖,為陳設之佳器。