- Dimension: Length: 15 1/2 in (39.4 cm) Width: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm)
- Estimate From: $1500
- Estimate To: $2500
Mid-Qing Dynasty period. The ruyi-shaped terminals and the rectangular panel finely carved in low relief with leafy branches of the sanduo , namely peaches, buddha's hands, and pomegranates. Similarly decorated on the curved shaft with shaped panels enclosing flowering branches of prunus and pine, patinated to a golden brown tone.
Provenance: Property from a San Francisco private collection 來源: 三藩市私人藏家收藏。此如意為清中期貼黃工藝製作而成,貼黃又稱翻黃,亦稱文竹。此如意頭雕刻三多題材中的壽桃,刻工精巧惟妙惟肖,如意炳中端呈現方形,雕刻佛手一株,方寸之間盡顯刀法之精湛,如意尾端雕刻石榴。如意柄處刻精美紋飾襯托主要題材,紋樣講究。雕工細緻流暢、古雅可愛。以佛手諧意福,以桃子諧意壽,以石榴暗喻多子,表現多福多壽多子的頌禱,故稱福壽三多紋。此器雕刻巧妙而不失皇家貴氣,為造辦處所作之上等文竹精品。