- Dimension: Height: 24 3/4 in (62.9 cm) Length: 17 in (43.2 cm) Width: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $5500
- Estimate To: $8500
The screen is of rectangular shape and carved in high relief depicting bamboo, chrysanthemum, pines, and orchids branches all issuing from rocks. The stone is of three colors, consisting of dark red, light green and sand yellow color. The stone is set into a bamboo trunk shaped and decorated rosewood stand with scrolling supports. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, Los Angeles 祁陽石因產湖南祁陽而得名,明清以來備受文人雅士喜愛和推崇,祁陽石質地細滑而沉,可用於琢製硯台,以此大材製座屏,亦別有趣味。此件插屏由上等祁陽石製成,石質精良,溫潤細膩,肌理瑩透,色澤深沉。採用俏色高浮雕技法,描繪松竹梅圖,畫面層次豐富,線條流暢,靜中似動。屏座也雕出竹節、竹子紋樣,為材、工、氣、意俱佳的文房陳設用器。 來源:洛杉磯私人藏家提供