- Dimension: Height: 8 3/4 in (22.0 cm) Diameter: 2 7/8 in (7.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $8000
- Estimate To: $15000
Each with a cylindrical body depicting scholars gathering and engaging scholarly activities and attendants up a rocky path, amongst pine and gourd vines in a rocky landscape, between openwork zitan cover and stand. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, San Francisco 香筒是古代淨化空氣的一種室內用具,一般是直接將特製的香料或是香花放入香筒內, 香氣便從筒壁、筒蓋的氣孔中溢出,是一種清雅的室內陳設品。此對香筒取材白玉,做直筒式,圓口,硬木器蓋,上有鈕。內壁平滑,外壁採用淺地浮雕技法,雕松下高仕圖。蒼松翠柏中,亭台樓閣隱約可見,曲徑通幽處,文人雅士有跡可循,人物、景緻被刻畫得惟妙惟肖,淋漓盡致。人物傳神,意境空幽,畫面雅緻,韻味綿長。此對香筒用料上乘,玉質滋潤,溫婉細潤,通體佈局精巧,疏密有致,運刀流暢,以嫻熟的刀法刻畫出文人山水畫的空靈與灑脫之境,頗見功力。 來源:三藩市私人藏家提供