- Dimension: Height: 2 5/8 in (6.7 cm) Diameter: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $1500
- Estimate To: $2200
Each potted with steep sides rising from a straight foot, finely painted on the exterior with four gilt medallions, each enclosing a character Ji Xiang Ru Yi, against ground of dense lotus blooms and bat suspending a chime, base with six character Jiaqing mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此對小碗敞口,腹部下收,下承淺圈足。二器大小相若,端莊秀巧,胎質精細。內壁施白釉,溫潤細膩。外壁以嬌綠色為地,釉色勻淨,色澤深沉濃艷,。繪“蝙蝠紋”“花卉紋”“如意紋”“連珠紋”。圓形開光錦地紋為地用青花書寫“吉祥如意”四字,字體規整。整體層次清晰,佈局疏密有致,製器考究,紋飾精美,繪畫細膩傳神,氣韻靈活,動態感十足。寓意美好,有“吉祥如意”之意。 “大清嘉慶年制”款識。