California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 October 05, 2019  October 05, 2019

 Lot # 8084 
A DOUCAI 'LOTUS FLOWER' VASE    清道光 鬥彩纏枝花卉紋雙獸耳橄欖瓶

  • Dimension: Height without the stand: 7 1/4 in (18.4 cm) Diameter: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm)
  • Estimate From: $1500
  • Estimate To: $2500

The tall narrow neck set on high broad shoulders tapering to a slightly flared foot, body enamelled to depict lotus blossoms with leafy scrolls and bats, the tall neck flanked by a pair of red glazed gilt decorated stylized chilong handles, base inscribed with six character Daoguang mark. Qing Dynasty Daoguang period.

撇口,收頸,雙獸耳,平底。形如橄欖,故曰橄欖瓶。通體以鬥彩裝飾,口沿描金,下方飾“如意紋”,器身滿飾“纏枝花卉紋”“蕉葉紋”,枝纏葉繞,五彩繽紛,爭奇鬥艷,紋樣線條流暢,描繪細膩準確,層次分明,用色極為豐富。釉上釉下彩已然融為一體,於淡雅中顯亮麗,於纖細中見挺雋。整器紋樣線條流暢,描繪細膩,填色準確,層次分明,用色極為豐富。 “大清道光年制”款識。