- Dimension: Height: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) Length: 6 3/4 in (17.1 cm) Width: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm)
- Estimate From: $4000
- Estimate To: $8000
Cast seated in vajraparyanakasana on a double lotus pedestal, the right arm raised wielding a sword, the left hand raised to the chest holding the curved stem of uptala lotuses, wearing a dhoti falling into neat pleats and incised with foliate scroll borders, the chest adorned with beaded necklaces and draped over with a billowing scarf around the shoulder and arms, the benevolent face surmounted by a diadem before a high chignon. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period.
Provenance: Property from an important private collection, Los Angeles 此尊文殊菩薩像,細觀菩薩,面相圓潤豐滿如童子般充滿朝氣,彎眉目微瞌,相容靜謐,髮髻高束,頭戴五葉寶冠,上身袒露,周身佩戴瓔珞釧環等配飾,以綠鬆和珊瑚鑲嵌。右手高擎智慧寶劍,表示菩薩的智慧如利刃般能斬斷一切煩惱與愚癡;左臂外側攀附的蓮花上奉經書,代表般若智慧浩瀚如經卷。下身著長裙,衣紋自然寫實。全跏趺坐於雙層束腰仰覆蓮花寶座上,上下各緣飾連珠紋,束腰,蓮瓣裡外兩層,立體感極強,與典型的乾隆時期造像採用的蓮座制式相符。整件作品比例結構精準,纖細又不失健美的身形,顯示其受到比較強烈的西藏造像風格的影響,在漢傳菩薩造像的祥和儒雅、柔美端莊中,注入了一種強健英武之氣,品相及封底皆完好,非常難得。 來源:洛杉磯重要私人藏家提供