- Dimension: Length: 10 1/4 in (26.0 cm) Diameter: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $4500
- Estimate To: $8500
The ovoid plaque carved in low relief with a bat flying next to large blossoming peony flowers growing from rock base, the white jade belt-hook carved with a chilong along the shaft confronting a dragon-head terminal, the back with a circular knob for attachment, mounted as a hand mirror. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, Los Angeles 最早手鏡始於戰國時期,其小巧玲瓏,便於攜帶。後來加之以雕飾,以玉、寶石等稀有珠寶嵌入手鏡,以此彰顯主人的身份地位。此手鏡以銀為基底,玉為輔,在鏡面背部以銀鑲邊嵌入玉刻牡丹圖,手柄處也以銀為基底,將玉刻螭龍嵌入鏡柄。其做工精細、大氣,白玉色澤明麗鮮潤、玉質縝密細膩,又以牡丹和螭龍為飾寓意主人生活美好,感情和睦,吉祥富貴。 來源:洛杉磯私人藏家收藏