- Dimension: Height: 33 in (83.8 cm) Length: 19 in (48.3 cm) Width: 16 1/2 in (41.9 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3500
arved in a seated posture, draped in a red lacquered robe with blue trim, his hands resting on his knees with fingers in a traditional Taoism pose. His waist is tied with a sash and his shoes turn upward. Lacquer is fragile in places with some losses. 16th century. Ming Dynasty Period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, Santa Fe, New Mexico 真武大帝又稱玄天上帝、佑聖真君玄天上帝,為道教神仙中赫赫有名的玉京尊神。現在武當山信奉的主神就是真武大帝,道經中稱他為“鎮天真武靈應佑聖帝君”,簡稱“真武帝君”。此尊真武大帝像容貌壯偉,雙目炯炯,彎眉與鼻脛相連,神態溫良和藹,長髮披於腦後,長袍玉帶,右手結印撫膝,左手置左膝結印。造像神態威嚴,體態豐滿,衣紋流暢,富有立體感和寫實性,堪稱精品。明代保存至今,整體品相良好,實為難得。 來源: 新墨西哥州聖塔菲女士藏家提供