- Dimension: Height: 12 in (30.5 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $8000
Cast with right hand raised in vitarka mudra, each hand holding the ends of lotus stems, the blossoms of which flank each shoulder and bear a kundika and a book, the hair in a high topknot and applied with blue pigment, the elaborate jewelry inlaid with hardstones, the low-slung dhoti secured just below the shapely waist, with repoussé sashes trailing down either side of the body, raised on a circular lotus base, the base plate incised with a double vajra. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from an important private collection, New York, acquired from Sotheby’s New York 蓮花手觀音為觀音菩薩諸多化身之一,以手持蓮花為形象特徵,多見立像。觀音頭頂束高髮髻,耳下垂大耳璫。面形寬大,眉如彎月,雙目低垂,鼻直適中,雙唇微啟。寬肩細腰,軀體結構勻稱,造型端莊大方。雙手各持一莖綻放的蓮花,儀態端莊優雅,站立於蓮花底座上。上身飾項鏈、釧環,瓔珞長垂及腹,下著長裙,腰帶飾華麗的瓔珞,局部鑲嵌綠松石、珊瑚,十分精美華麗。底座蓮花葉瓣寬大、飽滿,上下沿的連珠紋飽滿均勻。整尊造像氣息渾厚,造型工藝考究,注重細節刻畫,彰顯精美華貴之氣,極具宮廷色彩。 來源: 紐約私人藏家收藏 購于紐約蘇富比