- Dimension: Height: 22 in (55.9 cm) Length: 30 4/5 in (78.2 cm) Width: 10 4/5 in (27.4 cm)
- Estimate From: $60000
- Estimate To: $80000
Cast in the style of the 18th century Jesuit Giuseppe Castiglione's hound from his court paintings dedicated to Qianlong Emperor, the hunting dog is shown walking with its posture held upright and body accentuated with muscles, its head turned sharply to the right with round alert eyes staring out in distance and a prominently pronounced snout, all beneath floppy ears, its tail curled, the neck wearing a collar, the underside cast with a square four character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period.
Reference: Giuseppe Castiglione’s Ten Fine Hound, color and ink on silk, in the collection of Palace Museum, Taipei Provenance: Property from a private collection, Virginia 此拍品:大型銅鎏金西洋犬與郎世寧所繪十犬圖(現存台北故宮博物院),第七犬茹黃豹造型一致。長嘴,圓眼,雙目炯炯,長耳下垂,頸帶項圈,長身細腰,身形清瘦矯健,骨骼肌肉線條明顯,體側可見肋骨嶙嶙,長尾上卷,作迴首狀。西洋犬靈敏機警,溫馴乖巧,貴氣十足;整體造型活靈活現,寫實逼真。腹刻“乾隆年制”款識。其鎏金工藝、皮殻包漿、款識特徵,均符合清乾隆年間宮廷藝術品風格,應出自清宮廷造辦處。據資料記載,郎世寧精通西方繪畫技巧,還掌握動物的骨胳肌肉解剖特徵,所繪十犬圖,是其長期對乾隆皇帝所豢養的十條獵犬,反覆觀察寫生所畫。同時,他也精通建築設計,直接參與圓明園小洋樓的設計和建設,圓明園獸首的設計製作也出自於郎世寧之手。綜上所述,鎏金犬應陳列於圓明園,甚至或許是郎世寧的直接設計和製作之物,其藝術水平和價值應遠遠高於圓明園獸首。 參考: 清 郎世寧《十骏犬图》 設色絹本 台北故宮博物院藏品 來源: 維吉尼亞州私人藏家收藏