- Dimension: Length: 6 3/4 in (17.1 cm) Width: 3 in (7.6 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3500
Finely carved in the form of two carp fish with lips grasping a long curling stem issuing budding lotus blossoms on the back, their bodies detailed with fins and tails, all supported on turbulent waves, the translucent stone of white tone with slight russet inclusions. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private Los Angeles collection 此擺件以白玉雕琢而成,器作雙魚形,雙魚一大一小,小魚依附於大魚一側,活潑可愛。大雨圓目厚唇,口銜連枝荷花,身形健壯肥碩,昂首翹尾作游水狀,蓮葉及蓮花向背鰭伸展,展現魚在水中悠遊的自然生機,充溢靈動情趣。以「蓮」諧「年」,以「魚」諧「余」,表現了古人對生活的美好祝願,寓有富貴連年之意。魚之形象所用頗多,自上古開始,歷代不絶,又以宋明時期以來更為多見,並常配以水波、漣漪、花草等,盡顯吉祥、歡愉的情景,因而格外招人喜愛。本件雙魚擺件造型設計別緻逼真,魚身陰線刻劃鱗片,精細繁縟,動態生動鮮活,尤飽含美好吉祥之寓意,實為不可多得之作。 來源: 洛杉磯私人藏家提供