- Dimension: Height: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm) Length: 11 in (27.9 cm) Width: 9 in (22.9 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $4500
The laughing Buddha seated in rajalilasana, the right hand resting on the raised right knee holding a beaded necklace, dressed in loose robes opening at the chest to reveal the large belly, the face with a cheerful expression, flanked by a pair of long pendulous ears, crowned with a tiara. Ming Dynasty period.
Provenance:Property from a private collection, Toronto, Canada 此造像莊重美觀,鎏金潤澤燦亮。彌勒佛造像慈祥滿面,神態可敬可親。通身素雅簡飾,著廣袖長衣,袒胸露乳,赤足曲肱而坐,右手握佛珠,人物憨態可掬而不失佛家風範。衣紋線條清晰流暢,用線力度適宜。手指、腳趾動態柔軟如流水,其肥厚之感凸顯,符合彌勒佛中原“肥胖”的形象。關節、指甲如實表現,體現匠人的功力。此彌勒佛眼睛笑眯眯,彎如新月,寬闊的鼻頭、咧嘴而笑,嘴角上揚,耳珠肥碩,下垂至肩。寬圓的前額上起皺,細節處理尤為精采。此尊彌勒佛頭戴五葉華冠,這與慣常的禿首的形象相比較為少見。 來源: 加拿大多倫多私人藏家收藏