- Dimension: Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Width: 4 in (10.2 cm)
- Estimate From: $2800
- Estimate To: $5800
Finely cast seated in pralambapadasana on a stepped throne with his feet resting on a lotus base, his hands in dharmachakramudra, wearing a flowing dhoti beaded pendent jewelry, the serene face with elongated eyes and raised urna, the hair drawn into a high chignon secured with a foliate tiara, flanked by raised lotuses. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, San Francisco 彌勒菩薩為八大菩薩之首,也是釋迦牟尼佛的繼承者,將在未來娑婆世界降生成佛,成為娑婆世界的下一尊佛,故又被稱為彌勒佛或未來佛。面相端莊慈祥,雙眉低垂,雙眉之間飾白毫。高捲髮髻,頭戴五葉寶冠,束髮分兩股披於肩上,冠帶翻捲,兩耳飾大圓耳璫。袒露上身,胸前裝飾項鏈瓔珞,下著長裙。雙手當胸結說法印,坐在須彌座上,雙腳自然下垂,足踏小蓮座,這種坐姿稱為「善跏趺坐」或「倚坐」,為彌勒菩薩獨有的坐姿。整尊造像胎體厚重, 金色燦然,姿態優美,尤其稍稍右傾的腰肢與身體兩側的飄帶互相呼應,動態十足。 來源:三藩市私人藏家收藏