- Dimension: Length: 9 1/8 in (23.2 cm) Width: 6 5/8 in (16.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $6500
Each square panel intricately worked on both sides, the front depicting an elderly figure accompanied by a young child holding a qin, all set within a dense deeply worked mountainous landscape, with overhanging rockwork, gnarled pine trees and with pavilions rising in the distance, the reverse worked with scene of a boy leading an elderly figure and his donkey on the path to a pavilion, all supported on zitan stand carved with archaistic scroll decoration. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a New York private collection 此對插屏以白玉為材,玉質瑩潤,體型碩大,局部有皮色,包漿自然。整體扁平呈長方形,浮雕雙面工,用高浮雕技藝刻畫出“老子出關”,“松下問童”,“踏雪尋梅”,“攜琴訪友”四個場景。此對插屏不僅描繪出四個獨立場景,更為可貴的是作者把四個場景通過山水、亭臺樓閣巧妙的結合起來,使畫面豐富飽滿。體現了一副安靜祥和氣氛,令人心曠神怡。整套插屏規整,刀法深峻圓潤,細膩流暢,包漿古樸。配紫檀鏤空雕高座,若是置於書齋,可鑒其美,亦得清賞之樂。來源: 紐約藏家提供