- Dimension: Height: 72 in (182.9 cm) Length: 96 in (243.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $1500
- Estimate To: $2500
Each lacquered panel embellished various gems and jades, including green jade, lapis lazuli, agate, mother-of-pearl, portraying the scene of classical flowers and birds paintings, framed between wood plaques gilt-painted with stylized chrysanthemum motif, the reverse decorated with roundels and floral sprays. Republic period.
Provenance: Private Seattle, Washington collection 屏風共六屏,通體黑漆地嵌軟螺鈿、玉石飾花卉紋,結構穩重,顯示出雍容華貴、富麗堂皇的氣派。屏風只有貴族家庭才有資格使用,是權勢、地位的象徵。整體造型氣勢雄偉,技法高超,保存完好,十分難得。
來源: 華盛頓州西雅圖藏家提供