- Dimension: Height: 5 5/8 in (14.0 cm) Length: 11 1/2 in (29.0 cm) Width: 3 7/8 in (10.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $12000
Carved in the form of a mountainous, rocky landscape, in varying levels of relief, on one side carved with sixteen arhat figures either seated or standing, the reverse with with pine issuing from the jagged layers of rockwork , the stone is of white tone and with some russet areas skillfully utilized to define the composition, all supported on a rosewood stand. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a Private New York collection 山子取整料白玉為材,呈色潔白,瑩潤通透,背面局部帶有褐色沁。整器以浮雕、鏤雕、陰刻等技法雕琢羅漢圖之景,山子一面山巒重重,岩壁崎嶇,十六羅漢三五成群,或相聚高談,或聆聽松風,或獨自冥想,氣氛愜意,宛若仙境。整器雕工精湛,人物刻劃細緻,栩栩如生,層次分明,為清代中期不可多得玉雕精品。可參考一類似較小白玉山子,售於香港佳士得,2012年12月,拍品號4009,成交價HKD 5,780,000