- Dimension: Height: 2 3/8 in (6.0 cm) Diameter: 1 1/8 in (2.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $2000
- Estimate To: $4000
of square section, surmounted by a well-carved seated lion with its head turned back towards its cub playfully escalating its back, one inscribed attributed to Gui Fu, the seal face inscribed with a three character in seal script, the stone a warm amber-honey color. Qing Dynasty period.
獅鈕方章,凍透潤澤,質感細膩凝潤,蘿蔔絲紋清晰綿密,通體呈黃金黃色,濃郁純正,外裹一層明顯的包漿,幽然古樸,發出燦燦葆光,是田黃石中的極品。雕刻家毫不惜材,將質地如此完美的田黃石切割成長方形,配以圓雕的太獅少獅鈕,極盡奢華。獅自古就是民間喜聞樂見的題材,母子獅有 “子嗣昌盛”之意,亦有借諧音“太師少師”,寓高官厚祿。