- Dimension: Height: 1 2/8 in (3.0 cm) Width: 1 2/8 in (3.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $600
- Estimate To: $1200
Finely carved a scene that depicts a scholar riding on horse, and a child holding a instrument behind him. Around them, there are pine trees, rocks with different shapes. Carved 'Zhu Shi Yun' mark. Decorated with traditional Chinese tassels. Qing Dynasty Period.
瑪瑙用料精選考究,溫潤細膩,純淨透體。用巧色巧雕攜琴訪友圖,松柏洞石及人物為主體,山中松樹蒼勁,枯藤怪石林立,老者悠然坐於馬上,家童抱琴緊隨,似是趕向另側會以諸位高朋,佈局奇巧,層次多維,琢磨精到。“朱時雲”款識(清代乾隆年間蘇州玉雕高手。擅長在玉石上刻字。朱時雲被蘇州織造衙門選送北京,在宮廷造辦處供職一年有餘。乾隆四十年1775 七月,朱時雲託詞生病潛逃出宮,造辦處為此行文到蘇,要求蘇州進行查辦。)