- Dimension: Height: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) Diameter: 9 in (22.9 cm)
- Estimate From: $3800
- Estimate To: $4800
The deep rounded sides painted in cobalt blue on the exterior with two five-clawed striding dragons in mutual pursuit amidst clouds, all between a border of upright lotus petal lappets and a band of cresting waves, the interior with a double lines around the rim and a six-character mark in underglaze blue within a double circle at the base. Ming Dynasty period.
此鉢口微斂,弧腹,平底,胎體較厚,造型敦實。 (鉢是佛門盛貯器,明宣德時期皇帝崇信佛教。)所用青花色澤濃艷,色濃處有黑色鐵鏽斑顯現,是用進口蘇麻離青所致,通體青花裝飾,內壁潔白,施“大明宣德年制”雙圈青花楷書款。外壁從上至下依次繪海水紋、雲龍紋、蓮瓣紋,外底素胎無飾。龍的形狀、鬚髮和龍身的鱗片刻畫細緻。富鐵的鈷料使海水濃淺不一,且有暈散,如此波濤洶湧的海水更能映襯出龍的矯健。拍品造型敦實,紋飾生動,青花髮色鮮艷明麗,穩重古雅。