- Dimension: Height: 8 1/4 in (21.0 cm) Width: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $12000
- Estimate To: $25000
Modelled in the form of an ox standing foursquare with head finely detailed with protruding eyes, eyebrows, and open mouth, the rim set with three chains hanging from a circular cover on top. Han Dynasty period.
Provenance: Private collection, San Diego, California. Acquired between 1970s -1980s in Japan. 此燈青銅鑄造,體扁如缽,仿牛外形,前端有圓雕牛首,底部承四蹄足,後端有翹尾,腹部開大圓口,內可盛油置芯。兩牛角依口沿而施,末端有環,與尾環共連接三條索鏈,直繫蓋部。蓋隆平頂,上設掛鉤,使用時可勾繩懸掛。停用收陳時,可收鏈入腹,蓋扣口沿。牛大張的口目、螺旋肌理的雙角、厚實飽滿的蹄足,無不栩栩如生。漢代銅燈依功用可分行燭燈、座燈和藝術型燈,藝術型燈多擬動物、人物。來源:南加州聖地亞哥家族收藏,上世紀70-80 年代購於日本