- Dimension: Diameter: 25 1/4 in (64.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $15000
- Estimate To: $25000
Decorated to the center with stylized shou and lotus flanking a wheel motif, surrounded by six fan shaped panels each enclosing flowers and birds, the underside with lotus and waves on a turquoise ground, the underside with six character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此件掐絲琺瑯大盤尺寸碩大,中間為白色琺瑯為底,並有彩色花卉紋飾及“壽”字。外圍藍色琺瑯為底,掐絲細密,六個扇形構圖對稱排列,兩兩相對採用同樣顏色,且每個扇形飾有花鳥圖案。背面構圖同樣繁復,盤中間刻有《乾隆年制》款識,頗為少見。 張先生舊藏