- Dimension: Highest without stand: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm) widest: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $8000
- Estimate To: $12000
This set comprises of a tripod censer, a circular box and cover, and a cylindrical vase, each mounted with shaped gilt-bronze plaques of elaborate floral decorations in relief. The censer is mounted with a pair of Buddhist lions as handles, and topped with a pierced cover with Buddhist lion finial, all supported on hardwood stand. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
自古以來焚香品香一直就是文人居處齋閣中須臾不可或缺的清雅活動。三式, 由爐、瓶、盒各一件組成,爐用鼎樣式,瓶長頸,盒圓形。此件銅銼金香薰爐,造型大氣,圓潤渾厚。蓋作鏤空,獅鈕。器身兩側飾雙獸耳,下承三足。香盒,器型 飽滿,圓潤富麗,端莊典雅。瓶呈筒狀,小巧精細,用之便利,腹部開光裝飾,整 體構圖飽滿清新,可玩可賞。此組爐瓶盒三式,製作嚴謹,氣韻恢宏,富貴艷麗,乃收藏佳品。 張先生舊藏