- Dimension: Height: 3 1/8 in (7.9 cm) Length: 3 5/8 in (9.2 cm) Weight: 625.0g
- Estimate From: $8000
- Estimate To: $16000
Finely carved in high relief with three soaring five-clawed dragons depicted in pursuit of a 'flaming pearl' above tumultuous waves, all amidst auspicious clouds, one side incised with five character signed Deng Yan, the underside with sixteen character inscription, the stone of a golden caramel tone with natural inclusions. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period.
此件田黃印章體量碩大,質地溫潤凝膩,肌理界線分明,肌裡呈均勻的黃金黃,濃艷欲滴,純淨無暇,寶光流溢,蘿蔔絲紋清晰隱現其中。以手扶之,其質感溫潤,令人愛不釋手。又有落款“古浣子鄧琰”(鄧琰,初名琰,字石如,是清代大書法家,好刻石)。整件器物雕刻祥龍戲珠場景,結構豐富中不乏呼應,構思與工藝之精奇令人讚嘆。 張先生舊藏