- Dimension: Height: 6 1/4 in (15.9 cm) Diameter: 6 1/8 in (15.6 cm)
- Estimate From: $12000
- Estimate To: $22000
Of cylindrical form supported on four evenly spaced ruyi-form feet, the exterior skillfully carved and undercut in deep relief with a continuous scene of a child sitting upon an elephant accompanied by two attendants in a mountain landscape, the other side further carved with two figures amidst a dense bamboo grove surrounded by gnarled leafy pine and rockworks, the stone of a smoothly polished white tone with some russet veins. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period
本拍品呈圓筒形,以整塊優質白玉掏膛整挖,中空以納筆,其下垂如意狀四足。所用白玉質地細膩,色澤勻凈。筒身做工精美,以高浮雕描繪山水人物圖景,只見溪山高隱,松幹曲折盤繞,松樹茂盛,亭臺掩映,廬舍清幽,山間小道上仙翁拄杖顧盼,童子圍繞在大象身旁。整幅構圖洋溢出一股如書畫般清新、優雅賞心悅目的畫面,加上高超的雕工,實令人愛不釋手。此類通景畫雕琢的風格是由康熙時期青花瓷筆筒得到啟示,在清十八世紀乾隆時期最為流行。整體觀來,其圖案神形兼備,兼之雕工流暢,打磨精細,可自其中感受到濃濃的畫意和文人趣味。 Compare a similar white jade carved brushpot, sold in Christie’s Hong Kong, November 2011, Lot 2891, sold for HKD 6980000