- Dimension: Height: 19 1/4 in (48.9 cm) Width: 14 3/8 in (36.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $8000
- Estimate To: $15000
Of double gourd form, this zitan shrine was carved to accommodate nine jade carved buddha figures, the dark reddish brown exterior finely incised with meandering lotus sprays, and further tied at the waist with a gilt-painted flowing ribbon, all supported on tiered plinth and raised by four short feet; each buddha figure is carved seated in dhyanasana, the hands joined in dhyana mudra on the lap holding a bowl, the sanghati open at the chest. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
藏傳佛教作為清宮廷最重要的信仰之一,在乾隆時期達到鼎盛。從乾隆二十二年至四十七年間(1757-1782),清宮基本按照統一模式先後修建和裝修八座佛樓,並且在其寢宮之內,內宮深處,有多處大大小小佛堂,供禮佛供奉之用,其中以供奉藏傳佛教的法器和佛像為主。此龕集中體現了乾隆朝的典型特征,既體現了清代皇室奉佛之虔誠,也反映出帝王後妃對於世壽綿長的希冀與向往。佛龕紫檀木作,造型別致,雕刻工藝精湛,內帶白玉佛九尊、盡顯皇家氣派。佛龕,銅鎏金鏨花綬帶。佛龕在清宮佛堂中占有顯要位置,也是官式建築和宗教建築造型的縮影,因此每個細節均設計嚴謹。各式奇珍匯成一器,此非造辦處所造不能。此品乃為收藏界所謂的“可遇而不可求”之極品。來源:現藏家家族於60年代購於臺北 Provenance: Acquired in 1960s, Taipei