- Dimension: Height: 1 3/8 in (3.5 cm) Diameter: 14 3/8 in (36.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $2800
- Estimate To: $5800
of circular form, the shallow rounded sides resting on a short foot, the interior superbly carved in deep relief through the thick red lacquer with three large blossoming peony blossoms, all amidst dense foliage of large leaves and further blossoms and buds, the base lacquered black. Yuan Dynasty period.
"“剔紅”又稱為“雕紅漆”或“紅雕漆”,是中國漆器工藝的一種,此技法成熟於宋元時期,發展於明清兩代。常以木灰為胎,在胎骨上層層髹紅漆,少則幾十層、多達上百層,待半幹時描上畫稿,然後再雕刻花紋。花紋隱起、華美富麗。形制有圓盒、長方盒、圓盤、八方盤、葵瓣盤、樽等,以盤、盒居多。裝飾圖案有花卉、山水、人物和花鳥等。明曹昭《格古要論·古漆器論·剔紅》有雲:“剔紅器皿無新舊,但看似厚色鮮紅潤堅重者為好,剔劍環香草者尤佳。” 此牡丹紋大盤為圓形木胎,漫淺式,圈足。盤內外皆朱漆素地上雕牡丹花紋,花大葉肥,刀法圓熟,藏鋒不露,質樸有力,流暢的線條讓大盤更加多了富貴之氣。盤背後邊緣也為牡丹錦花,圈足內髹黑漆。如此大件作品在元代漆器中能屆指稱其為傑作。""可參考香港佳士得 2017年5月 拍品號3229 成交價625,000港幣。" Compare a recent sale of a similar cinnabar lacquer charger, sold in Christie’s Hong Kong on May 31, 2017, Lot 3229, for HKD 625,000