- Dimension: Height: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) Diameter: 4 3/8 in (11.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $3800
- Estimate To: $5800
The brush washer is potted with ten lobes, each in the shape of a mallow petal, flaring from a slightly recessed base, the interior finely painted with dragon medallion, the side further painted with dragon in pursuit of the flaming pearl, the underside inscribed with six character Jiajing mark. Ming Dynasty period.
此式洗呈圓形,弧腹,淺圈足,洗內底飾五抓龍紋,龍身細長形態威猛霸氣,外壁祥雲繚繞,簇擁一騰躍立龍,龍身以紅彩繪就,釉下青花裝點毛髮,底以青花書“大明嘉靖年制”六字官窯款。龍紋亦象徵帝王威嚴之相。嘉萬之際,商品經濟空前繁榮,社會尚好追奇獵妍,青花五彩器故而大為盛行,但其中十之八九多為民窯作品,濃艷有餘而氣韻不足,真正代表青花五彩器最高水平的官窯作品實為鳳毛麟角,可遇而不可求。本品彩料絢麗而不失清雅,畫工大氣而不失婉約,款識字體硬朗而不失雋秀,絶非尋常民間之物,必為皇宮文案所陳之賞玩雋品。來源:溫哥華私人藏家提供 Provenance: Private collection, Vancouver