- Dimension: Height: 37 3/4 in (95.9 cm) Width: 25 1/2 in (64.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $12000
"The Buddha is depicted seated on a elegantly stepped throne, his right hand placed in bhumisparsha, the ""earth-touching"" gesture, his monastic robes covering one shoulder, the face with a meditative expression and the hair rising to form an ushnisha topped with a jar-shape finial, body overall with traces of gilt. Thailand. 16 century."
此尊16世紀釋迦摩尼坐像,品相完好,銅鑄局部鎏金。釋迦摩尼佛飾螺髮髻,頭頂塔型肉髻高隆,髻頂。面相橢圓,雙耳彎曲,眉如初月,雙目微張,低垂下視,嘴角上揚,略帶笑意,神態怡然。軀體勻稱,端莊大方,身著袈裟,上嵌繁密花紋,華麗非常。衣紋起伏凸顯,轉折流暢自然,古樸生動,具有極高的藝術和歷史價值。 來源:波士頓私人藏家提供 Provenance:Private Collection, Boston