- Dimension: Length: 42 1/2 in (108 cm) Width: 22 1/4 in (56.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $12000
Of rectangular shape, the panel depicts a group of two adult sheep, one suckling a lamb in a rocky landscape below calligraphy in the upper section, all in style of calligraphy by the Qianlong Emperor, with various seals including Tiandi yijia chun. The blue enamelled ground is of crackled pattern and the panel is set within a zitan frame carved with eight Taoist objects on the sides and square spirals at each corner. Qing Dynasty period.
清初宮廷掛屏多代替畫軸在墻壁上懸掛,為純裝飾性的品類。這種陳設形式,雍、乾兩朝更是風行一時,在宮廷中皇帝和後妃們的寢宮內,幾乎處處可見。以掐絲琺瑯工藝表現詩文意境,為乾隆朝始創。此銅胎掐絲琺瑯掛屏,尺幅碩大,富麗堂皇,制作工藝難度極大,為典型的清代乾隆宮廷裝飾器。屏長方形,以藍琺瑯釉為地,下方草地繪三陽開泰圖,其中一只母羊正朝小羊哺乳,表情動人,刻畫極精細。屏面上方以行書刻乾隆禦題詩。「三陽開泰」詞意源出於《易經》:「正月為泰卦,三陽生於下」,取其冬去春來,陰消陽長,表示佳運即將開始,是新年吉祥的賀詞。「三陽」取其諧音寫生綿羊三隻,寓意清代宮廷子孫萬代,福壽康寧。此掛屏展現了清代掐絲琺瑯工藝的繁榮,實為一件不可多得的珍品。 "類似掐絲琺瑯掛屏可參考沈陽故宮博物院藏“清乾隆花梨框掐絲琺瑯牡丹芍藥掛屏"" , 及香港佳士得2014年5月28日拍品號3015"