- Dimension: Diameter: 4 1/8 in (10.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3800
The translucent yellow and russet stone carved in the form of a circular disc with beaded edges around the interior and exterior circle, the surface carved with dense rows of raised spirals, one side with black tone inclusions and calcification. Warring State period.
作為上古西周禮器的一種,各種形制的玉璧均有著極為嚴格的等級規範。《周禮.大宗伯》中有記載,「子執谷璧,男執蒲璧」。可見在上古時代,谷紋璧的等級之高。 此玉質整體呈黃色,部分有深褐和黑色沁紋。通體圓環形,圓周及內環刻有一圈陰刻線。兩圈陰刻線所圈範圍內滿飾谷紋,谷紋排列規整,雕工細膩精巧,表面有玻璃光澤,包漿古樸,甚為難得。 來源:北加州資深藏家提供 Provenance: Private collection, Northern California