- Dimension: Height: 15 5/16 in (39 cm)
- Estimate From: $15000
- Estimate To: $30000
The buddha vajrasattva seated upon a double lotus throne with legs crossed in dhyanasana, hands in the customary position holding the vajra in the right, and the ritual bell in the left , the Buddha adorned with sumptuous gem-set bodhisattva jewelry, finely inlaid with turquoise, lapis lazuli, and coral beads. Dressed in a short floral dhoti, his face is shown with serene and meditative expression, framed by large circular earrings and tiara. Ming Dynasty period.
金剛薩埵又譯為“金剛勇識菩薩”,意為金剛勇猛心。西藏密宗認為他是本初佛,是普賢菩薩的化身,為密宗百部主尊之共主。 此尊造像為紅銅鎏金,頭戴五葉冠,寶冠兩側飾以嘎巴拉花于耳上,面相飽滿豐腴,彎眉洗目,眉間白毫高高凸起并嵌以珊瑚,花型耳墜寬大華麗,自然垂于兩肩。全身瓔珞嵌以寶石,貼于袒露的上身,華麗非常。右手持金剛杵于胸前,左手持金剛鈴放於腿上,下身著裙如絲羽般輕薄,貼體邊緣淺刻花紋。造像結跏趺坐,坐于仰俯蓮座,蓮瓣飽滿精緻,上下鑿刻連珠紋飾,排列整齊。此尊造像鑄工精細,身形飽滿,大氣端莊,實為明代鎏金佛造像中之極品。 來源:紐約重要藏家提供 Provenance: Important Private collection, New York