- Dimension: Length: 1 7/8 in (4.8 cm) Width: 15/16 in (2.4 cm)
- Estimate From: $800
- Estimate To: $1200
The sword slide with rectangular opening, the top surface with naturalistic red to orange tone. Han Dynasty period.
此劍璲紅瑪瑙質地,質料瑩澤細密,器身通體光素,無雕琢紋樣。正面六組形狀不規則的突出,下部矩形開孔,造型簡潔,紋理流光溢彩。可參考一較小東漢紅縞瑪瑙劍璲,成交於香港嘉德2015年秋季拍賣, 拍品號433。 來源: 北加州藏家提供 Compare a smaller and similar agate sword fitting, sold in China Guardian, Hong Kong in Nov.2015, Lot 433.