California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 March 10, 2017  March 10, 2017

Lot# 1064 - 1083 

沈氏家族收藏(七彩齋)為原藉江蘇常州的香港沈家的五兄弟姊妹所共有。 眾人自幼接受傳統的儒家教育, 深植豐厚的中華文化基礎, 對中華歷史文物更珍惜, 喜好, 並樂於搜集與收藏。 各人在繼承祖父輩的收藏基礎上, 大力予以擴大與補充。故當今的收藏內容十分可觀,包括明式家俱, 古玉, 明清白玉, 古琉璃, 唐宋元老窯, 明清瓷器等。

眾人之中, 二哥沈教授方山先生(William Shum), 任職加州州立大學建築專業, 更積極參與加州文博與收藏界的活動, 歷任洛杉磯縣立博物館 (LA County Museum) 與寶爾博物館 (Bowers Museum) 顧問。沈氏兄弟姊妹皆篤信佛教, 在家族成員共識之下於二零零九年將家族收藏多年的壹尊國寶明代早期鎏金觀音騎吼聖像捐回中國, 現正供奉於蘇州西山大觀音禪寺,(此聖像於1938 年由 “底特律郵報”創辦人, George Booth, 從壹中國古董商手中購得。1948年贈予 Grand Rapid Art Museum,後經多次商談Grand Rapid Art Museum 同意私下出讓該尊聖像, 由沈氏家族請回)被中美文博界傳為美談。

美國加州亞洲藝術品拍賣公司很榮幸接受沈氏家族委託釋出其部份藏品, 首選出多件藏品, 以應同好, 並慶祝本公司五周年誌慶。

California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA is pleased to offer the current sale of fine Chinese antiques from the Shum Family Collection (Hong Kong). The Collection is amassed from the passionate pursuits of three generations, and is currently owned by the five brothers and sisters. Items from their parents’ collection formed the foundation, and is being continuously enhanced by new acquisitions over the last fourty years. The Shum family members are devoted Buddhists. In 2009, with unanimous consensus, they donated, at cost, a Ming Dynasty gilt-bronze Kwan Yin statute to the Kwan Yin Temple in Suzhou, China. The current items being offered represent a balanced selection, in terms of ages and materials. Their quality and rarities will, no-doubt, leave an ever-lasting impression on the Asian arts collectors.