- Dimension: Height: 22 in (55.9 cm) Width: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $6500
- Estimate To: $9500
Finely and heavily cast, the bodhisattva shown seated and dressed in elaborate chainmail armor suit, with celestial ribbon around his shoulder, both hands clasped together, the face with benevolent expression, flanked by pendulous ears with large earrings, the midriff with a fierce 'monster' mask, the body overall with traces of gilt. Qing Dynasty period.
韋馱菩薩又名韋馱天, 為佛教中執金剛神之一, 是佛教寺廟中主要之護法神, 供奉於天王殿菩薩像後。此尊造像通體施泥金, 頭戴高盔, 面容堅毅, 目光堅定, 眼神深邃, 表現威嚴與慈悲之雙重形象。鎧甲刻畫立體寫實, 雙手合十, 雄強有力, 整尊造像銅胎重, 十分難得。 類似銅鑄天王坐像可參考倫敦佳士得2011年11月拍品號205 Compare a similar example, sold in Christie's London on Nov.8 2011, Lot 205