- Dimension: Height: 13 1/4 in (33.7 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $9000
Elegantly potted with a globular lower bulb rising to a waisted neck and a smaller upper bulb tampering to a narrow mouth, covered overall with a pale sea-green glaze draining to a white rim, the base with a six-character seal mark. Mid-Qing Dynasty period.
"此葫蘆瓶形制規整, 造型端莊, 通體施粉青釉, 釉色淡雅, 質地均勻潤澤, 寓意福祿, 又似""吉""字, 優美雅緻, 值得收藏。 可參考一件類似粉青釉雙葫蘆瓶,售於倫敦蘇富比2013年5月15日,拍品號252."