- Dimension: Height: 11 1/4 in (28.6 cm) Width: 7 3/8 in (18.7 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $12000
Finely gilt and cast, the Tibetan bodhisattva is shown standing with one foot kneeled upon a double lotus throne, the six arms radiating around her and holding various implements, including a vajra in primary hand, a fresh leave and bow in left secondary hands, an axe and arrow in right secondary hands, wearing elaborate jewellery, his three face with intense expression and topped by a jeweled tiara, his hair tied in high chignon. The six character 'Yongle' mark is inscribed in a line on the top of the base . Ming Dynasty period.
大黑天原為印度教中的神祗, 後被納入佛教, 成為佛教中的守護神。藏傳佛教認為大黑天為大日如來降魔時呈現出的忿怒相, 在西藏受到廣泛尊崇。此尊罕見大黑天造像呈三頭六臂, 咧口呲牙, 左右手各持法器, 雙層蓮花排列規則, 花瓣飽滿, 做工極為精細, 鎏金纯正, 極具收藏價值。