California Asian Art Auction Gallery
 California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 July 16, 2016  July 16, 2016

 Lot # 112 
A HONGMU WOOD GUANYIN CARVING    清 紅木雕觀音像 此觀音立像,刀工流暢,所雕觀音莊嚴,慈祥,栩栩如生,包漿好

  • Dimension: Height: 21 1/2 in (54.6 cm) Width: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm)
  • Estimate From: $100
  • Estimate To: $200

The figure modeled standing bare feet, wearing a long-sleeved robe with intricate patterns around the edges, falling in deep folds around the body and open at the chest to reveal an ornate necklace, one hand holding a large strand of prayer beads, the face shows a serene expression, the wood with natural color and grain. Age related damage and slight cracks. Qing Dynasty period.
