- Dimension: Height: 17 in (43.2 cm) Width: 17 3/4 in (45 cm)
- Estimate From: $25000
- Estimate To: $35000
Modelled in the form of drum, this Taoist ritual apparatus is carved with a Yin-Yang motif on the top, the body carved with dragons with a hole in relief, each flanking a different Bagua motif, with a key-fret band surrounding the top, the bottom with three short ruyi shaped stub feet. Qing Dynasty Period.
此件紫砂器器形較為少見的鼓式樣,鼓面塑以太極紋飾,周身暗刻暗八仙和八卦紋飾,鼓身有一馮式款識,腳為靈芝足,各處記號都顯現出道家文化色彩 。如此之大的紫砂器應為當時道觀定燒之用,紫砂鼓周身有數條龍頭 每個龍頭內均有一空洞,做法事時先將此鼓沉於水中待儲好水,法式開始時用熱水或其他加熱方法使鼓的溫度上升,形成熱脹冷縮作用,鼓內部的水便會自己從龍之水中流出,呈現千龍吐水之奇觀以示法式之靈驗。如此絕妙之紫砂器不多見於市, 反映了古人聰明智慧和高超技藝。同時也使得此件紫砂器尤為珍貴。