California Asian Art Auction Gallery
 California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 Sept 07, 2014  Sept 07, 2014

 Lot # 3157 
AN AMBER 'HE HE ER XIAN' FIGURAL GROUP    天然琥珀雕"和合二仙"擺件(148克)

  • Dimension: L: 5 in (12.7 cm) H: 2 3/4 in (7 cm) Weight: 148g
  • Estimate From: $4500
  • Estimate To: $6000

The two deities are carved with the figure seated on the right holding a large lotus stem with both hands, wearing loose robe, the face with joyful expression. The seated figure on the left, with a joyful expression, opening a circular box with a bat flying out with a trail. The amber is of semi-translucent material and rich red tone.

此和合二仙為天然琥珀所雕, 佈局合理, 雕工複雜精細, 所雕人物栩栩如生,流暢自然,圓渾有致。